cleansing & healing

Cleanse and integrate your spirit life coaching

Deep work on core issues

The scars you share become lighthouses for people who are headed
for the same rocks you hit.”

In our zeitgeist, addiction is much more common than acknowledged and correlates directly to our traumas, our patterns and our habits.

According to the Cambridge dictionary addiction is “an inability to stop doing or using something, especially something harmful. For people with OCD, cleaning can become an addiction.” Addictions are a mechanism of the mind to have control over past situations through our present reality. They are a hard-wired illusion that we have the power to see through.

Our challenge in self-growth and self-improvement is seeing our own addictions through a clear lens of what serves us and what does not. What is healthy and building us up rather than what detracts from our well-being. Supporting what lights our hearts up will energize our ability to thrive, be at peace and cultivate a fulfilling life. 


 Addiction is a sign of yearning for True freedom.

We have a need for True connection; connection to self, to others and a higher power. When we are disconnected this creates a void and addictive patterns & behaviors seem to fill this void, albeit temporarily. The more this cycle is fed, the deeper the groove becomes engraved into our Being and the more challenging it can be to overcome.

Alcohol is well-known as ‘spirits’ because it is a medium for spirit. This is why ‘sacred water’ is made with alcohol. It can protect and call in good spirits, if blessed and energized to do so, or negative spirits if not positively energized and imbibed. Other recreational and prescription drugs have the same potential for addiction as they alter the perception of the user and can ‘fill the void’ fleetingly.

I believe people are addictively drawn to alcohol, drugs etc. because they are seeking healing. Which is why it is relatively common to come to entheogens (plant medicines taken for spiritual purposes) because what has been sought is healing ultimately. When numbing or avoiding the pain is no longer desired, entheogens may be the solution. Although Sacred plant medicines have a spirit and heal from a higher dimension, other entheogens like DMT do not. There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem. This is why Integration is crucial after any plant medicine or deep work.

“Addiction is an adaptation. It’s not you – it’s the cage you live in.”

The most powerful remedy I have ever come across for addiction and trauma is entheogens.

Entheogens (as used in my work): plant medicines taken for deeper connection to self & Source/Creator/God/The Universe. Entheogens can facilitate shifts in our awareness & consciousness and expand our horizons & shift our paradigms on every level of our Being. They typically allow us to see and experience beyond our limited perception. Entheogens, when used in a sacred ceremonial manner, heal and reshape our foundations on a deep cellular and energetic level. They help make space for a wider understanding & a new way to experience the world.

Ceremony can be done solo or in a group. You must have the desire & willingness to do the work as it is offered to you in real-time. Ceremony may be helpful to combine with other modalities of healing & working through these patterns. Purgatives can be incredibly helpful in flushing out the root of the addiction with permanence and work well with Ceremony. The energy of addiction must be cleansed thoroughly out of your body first & foremost, while also cleansing it from your mind & heart. This is a delicate process that we will navigate together and I will be here to support you through the entire process.

Purgatives are very helpful in working through addiction as they help to physically & energetically purify.

A detoxification protocol will be incorporated to aid the body in this transition. We will also work on channeling the energetic cause into constructive areas for your life.

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world…
as in being able to remake ourselves.”
– Mahatma Gandhi

Potential Modalities

  • Ceremony with Sacred Sacrament
  • Ritual with Agua Florida
  • Amends & Clearing
  • Clearing & Integrating Spirit, Space & Body
  • Aura Cleansing
  • Mapacho Light Sealing & Grounding Ceremony
  • Wholistic Life Coaching
  • Meditation


“Shaun provided me with the warmth, respect and trust I yearned for in a sacred space. I am grateful for waiting to experience such an impactful transformation in my spiritual journey with the right source of guidance and light. Checking in on my wellness to this day, he continues to be someone in whom I can confide. “

Keri Parsons

“I knew within five minutes of meeting Shaun that not only was he incredibly warm and friendly, nothing means more to him than motivating and inspiring his clients to step into their highest selves. We started working two days later and I have never looked back since! We immediately did an audit of every aspect of my life, identified sticking points I needed to address and put tangible action steps in place in order to achieve my goals. I’m glad to say that with Shaun guiding me step by step I’m living a life that I am truly proud of. I attribute my personal success to feeling safe enough to put my guard down and let Shaun help me address aspects of myself that had been hidden from me. I am so grateful and appreciative for everything Shaun has done for me. I only wish for you to take the leap and find the lasting fulfillment that I did.”

Evan Hanson

“Finding the right healing modality is one thing. Finding the right healer is another, but when you find both, you can enter the ceremony in a space of calm reassurance.
I have worked with many shamans and working with Shaun was a real treat.
He is a pure channel totally committed to getting the best outcomes possible for those fortunate to journey with him. His kind, gentle, patient spirit complement his inner and outer strength plus his wide understanding of, and deep connection with the medicines make him an incredible BEing that I would highly recommend to anyone who feels called to work with the medicines.
He is the real deal and an inspiration.”


“Shaun did a great job holding the container for my ceremony. From the beginning opening statement where he guided the energy to be peaceful and intentional to being there and making sure that the ceremony unfolded in a beautiful way it was a great experience. He closed the ceremony with a nice lil assignment to integrate the experience. 5⭐ stars, would go to outer space with him again.”

Gene Hew

“I feel blessed to have a wonderful experience working with Shaun. During our time together I was able to work through some trauma, addictions and negative/depressive thought patterns that had a strong hold on my day to day experience.
After the work we’ve done, I feel lighter, freer and calm. The experience felt like I was like a sponge being wrung of all the baggage that was weighing me down. It took me out of the cycle of negativity and showed a different perspective on what life is all about. I feel more connected with myself and other beings all-around, everything feels more clear with an overall sense of peace and harmony. The work with Shaun is like a giant hug for your body and soul with lasting effects. Grateful for this experience to see things much differently, life has begun to open up in a beautiful way. So much appreciation for this work!”

Heather Mack

“I was fortunate enough to have met Shaun a little over three years ago and I’m proud to say that within that time period not only has he become one of the most impactful and inspirational coaches I’ve ever had, he has become a true companion of mine to this day. I had tried different life coaches out for a number of years but wasn’t able to find quite what I was hoping for. I never felt as though any of them had the subtle, compassionate understanding coupled with profound knowledge and practical advice necessary to inspire change in my life.”

Evan Hanson

“I have known Shaun for over 10 years. He is one of the most pure hearted, universally kind and spiritual people I have ever met. After going through struggles in my career, a rough divorce and falling down a rabbit hole into the abyss of dating unhealthy partners; having one on one sessions with Shaun helped me confront my insecurities, personal challenges with certain addictions and childhood trauma. It doesn’t happen over night but after 10 months of working with Shaun, I am more whole, peaceful and content with who I am today and more than I ever have been before. Simply put… I am a better man today because of Shaun’s guidance and healing work. Book a session with Shaun. You’ll be glad you did.”

Rich Rotella

“Shaun is one of the most loving healers I have ever worked with. He has such a beautiful balance of yin and yang that holds an expansive space for healing.”

Rachel Morihiro



I warmly welcome the potential of working with you.

Connect with me to schedule a brief consultation.

I look forward to hearing from you.