Couples or Family Constellation Ceremony

The quality of your relationships is the quality of your life
Ceremony with your loved one(s) focusing on specific Intentions or challenges
“You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.”
—Sam Keen
This work and Ceremony is dedicated to the improvement of your relationships with your self, family and/or loved ones. Usually all of these are addressed regardless of the focal point.
Romantic relationship work can be incredibly rewarding by uncovering old subconscious wounds that cause sticking points to having a healthy, happy relationship.
This is often what causes the biggest challenges in our relationships; all of them. As we dive in we can explore what is going on in all of the levels of your Being to get to the root cause. This may take time depending on your willingness to go deep.

This Ceremony will be specifically focused on the heart of the relationship(s) so that you and your loved one(s) will be able to connect more authentically on every level. Your clear & heartfelt intention of what you want to work on together and individually will serve best for an optimal outcome. Integrating the work done in Ceremony will be imperative to creating lasting change, not just in your relationships but in your life.
“Love’s greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.“
– Barbara De Angelis
The Family constellation will be focused on your immediate family along with your ancestral lineage, which often carries a weight with it into our current lifetime. These Ceremonies can do wonders for a healthier and happier family dynamic; even for those not present in Ceremony. A specific challenge to work through may be helpful although is not necessary. The organic flow of Ceremony will naturally bring up what needs to be worked on. This is very often deep, subconscious work that will serve you in connecting more gracefully with your loved ones and yourself.
Potential Modalities
- Plant Medicines like Mapacho, Agua Florida, Cacao, Hapé, Sananga, Sacred Sacrament
- Shamanic Deep-Tissue Body Work
- Plant-based Vomitivo(s) &/or Kambo (offered by my dear soul sister Serra:
- Nutritional consultation
- Detoxification & Cleansing &/or Elimination Diet
- Fridge & supplement review
- Kitchen overhaul
- Drinking & bathing water assessment
- Fitness & flexibility regimen review/implementation
- Environmental & EMF assessment
- Grounding & Earthing
- Meditation
I warmly welcome the potential of working with you.
Connect with me to schedule a brief consultation.
I look forward to hearing from you.