Shaun Ryan
Curandero & Wholistic wellness Guide

I’m Shaun Ryan – healer
& Wholistic Guide
Along my journey, I have spent well over a decade exploring a vast array of modalities & medicines for healing and letting go of what doesn’t serve my highest good & path. In my journey I have come to my calling of serving my community through the Ceremonial work I offer along with the tools to integrate these experiences.
My intention always and in all ways is for the highest good of all. This is a guiding light in my work.
My Journey
Up until the following experience I was a lively, expressive & fun little boy. I first learned to connect to Spirit when I was 6 years old through the repeated trauma of sexual assault and being abused on every level of my Being. I completely dissociated from my body during the sexual traumas, which occurred daily for 7 months. During this time I developed a deep relationship with Supreme Being. The energetic imprints and remnants of these traumas were carried deeply in my body, mind & heart; profoundly impacting how I spoke & interacted with the world. As my life progressed I painfully navigated through different stages of these formative traumas, unaware that I had been sexually abused because I blacked out during them and did not remember them until much later in life.
In my late 20’s, during what’s referred to as ‘Saturn Returns’ in astrology, I decided to sell my home and move across the country to Los Angeles to pursue acting-or so I thought. I moved to L.A. with a group of friends, we had a plan to get a home together. I had to go back to the east coast shortly after arriving in Los Angeles because I was working through giving custody of my daughter to her Mother. When I returned to L.A. the friends I traveled with decided to do their own thing without me. I felt abandoned and alone.
From my prior lifestyle I had grown accustomed to living a certain way; I had an arrogance and entitlement that lead me into bankruptcy, car repossession and even getting on food stamps. The pain of this experience was very humbling for someone who formerly had excellent credit, owned a home and multiple cars. All of this set me on a course of slow but deep introspection.
During this time, I began waking up in the middle of the night to all-encompassing spasms of pain in my rectum to the point that I couldn’t walk. These episodes became regular occurrences, and every time I woke up all I could remember was blackness. The immense physical pain was accompanied by the deepest and most terrifying fear I had ever experienced. I didn’t know it was possible to experience this level of fear and I didn’t understand any of it. I consulted one of the best gastroenterologists and everything was physically normal. These spasms continued sporadically for about 15 years. More on the cure later in the story…

I met someone that is still a dear friend to this day that helped guide me in the right direction. We had deep conversations and as I shared details of my past he pointed out how detached I was from the experiences I shared. At a point he wrote me a very heart-felt letter encouraging me to get therapy. So I did.
Traditional psychotherapy was helpful for me to mentally understand the dynamics of my experiences and begin to make sense of them. After years of this I knew it wouldn’t be enough so I began working with an acting coach that had me work on myself through non-traditional methods like performing various aspects of myself, singing, etc.. He also recommended going to an intuitive school to learn about the subtleties of the world, including my inner world. This lead me into energy & clairvoyant work and in time to exploring plant medicine.
Plant medicines launched me into profound growth in every way with incredible efficiency. As helpful as everything else I had explored to heal & grow was, plant medicine was exponentially more powerful than all of those modalities combined. It was about my 4th plant Medicine Ceremony when I had a dream the night before that was a prelude to immense healing and clarity. In the dream I was 6 years old walking down a hallway. As I was about to walk outside, a closet door opened and someone very familiar pulled me in, shut the door and everything went black. I woke up in another rectal spasm with a flash of my tormenter. It was horrifying to think about what the dream meant. When I went into Ceremony, the Medicine showed me the truth of what happened in flashes and various details, confirming the accuracy of my dream. As I saw these flashes of what had occurred, the Medicine was cleansing it out of me. It was a long process and just the beginning of a multi-year process. After this, I took a sovereign journey to the Amazon jungle with a Divine guide. There I learned the shamanic way of healing: Ceremony and reverent ritual; all centered on our communal connection, our connection to Mother Earth and our connection to the Divine.
The spasms were my body’s way of finally shedding the stored trauma. When I was ready my subconscious joined in with my body to help me see what I needed to grow and heal. With time, plant medicine & integration I have been able to cure the spasmodic trauma from my rectum by getting to the root cause. This root cause was creating dis-ease for me until it was approached with Love; which is how these Sacred plant medicines work. Through this work I was able to fully come to terms with all of my traumas, restore my energetic field, reclaim fragments of myself to become whole again, heal my body, mind & soul, heal family dynamics, grow out of my limiting patterns and ways of being, and to move into a place of holding space for others to do the same. I realized the reason I moved to Los Angeles was not for acting, it was for me to heal and find my path.
After many trips to the jungle and learning the indigenous ways of healing and shamanic Ceremony I organically began to hold Ceremony for friends which lead into holding Ceremony for community. In healing my root traumas my health has improved in every way and on every plane of my Being. I no longer create the painful contrast of my past in attempts to heal, because I am healed. There are scars I gratefully own as a part of me and what made me into the Being I am now, they have gifted me with a deep well of compassion. I have been able to create a life I love filled with people I love. I now know and have embraced my purpose to hold Sacred space for my community to heal, grow, authentically Be and connect.
I am grateful to be able to work with those that will do the work to heal. I am here to co-create a path with you that will be in alignment with your soul’s purpose and for your highest good…

- Comprehensive Shamanic work & study with Indigenous Tribes of the Amazon jungle
- Certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach (Integrative Wellness Academy)
- Energetic & Clairvoyant Certification (True Insight)
- NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
- NASM Certified Personal Trainer
I hold space for you to attune to your innate Divine guidance
I do this through a personalized approach that will likely include:
- Ceremony; which may include plant-medicines such as Mapacho, Agua Florida, Medicinal eye drops, Cacao, Hapé, Medicinal mouth spray, Purgativo, Vomitivo, Kambo, etc.
- Preparation & Integration sessions, usually in conjunction with Ceremony.
- Cleansing of your environment, body, mind, heart, spirit
- Synergistic protocols for Integration to stay centered, grounded and connected to your heart
- Wholistic Life guidance

Thanks to the relationships cultivated with my work in the jungle I continue to experience the profound nature of the Master plant teachers I work with. They’ve taught me how to hold safe, compassionate containers for healing, self-growth and support. They are an integral part of my Divine Guidance and a shining light for my path.
Healing in community has a synergistic healing effect that is magnified by those in attendance along with the Divine energies present. These profound waves of healing energy & healing experiences in Ceremony have a butterfly effect in our relationships, in our connection to Mother Earth and the world as a whole.
I am consistently humbled and grateful to share in the experiences of the souls I am privileged to work with.
I warmly welcome the potential of working with you.
Connect with me to schedule a brief consultation.
I look forward to hearing from you.